How to create 🌳🚬 Cigar Tree in Infinite Craft

Welcome to the Infinite Craft recipe page on how to create the unique item known as the Cigar Tree. This delightful creation combines the natural beauty of a tree with the indulgence of enjoying a fine cigar. Follow the step-by-step instructions to gather the necessary materials and craft this one-of-a-kind item for your Infinite Craft world.

In Infinite Craft, the four base elements are crucial in creating various items and structures. Water (πŸ’§) represents fluidity and adaptability, Fire (πŸ”₯) symbolizes transformation and passion, Wind (🌬️) embodies freedom and movement, while Earth (🌍) stands for stability and grounding. By mastering the manipulation of these elements, players can unlock unlimited creative possibilities in the game.

Step 1: πŸ’§ Water and 🌬️ Wind

Combine πŸ’§ Water and 🌬️ Wind to create 🌊 Wave

Step 2: πŸ’§ Water and πŸ’§ Water

Next, combine πŸ’§ Water and πŸ’§ Water to create 🌊 Lake

Step 3: 🌍 Earth and 🌍 Earth

Then, combine 🌍 Earth and 🌍 Earth to create πŸ”οΈ Mountain

Step 4: 🌊 Wave and 🌱 Plant

Now, combine 🌊 Wave and 🌱 Plant to create 🌊 Seaweed

Step 5: 🌫️ Dust and πŸ’§ Water

And then, combine 🌫️ Dust and πŸ’§ Water to create πŸ’© Mud

Step 6: πŸ’§ Water and 🌍 Earth

As next step, combine πŸ’§ Water and 🌍 Earth to create 🌱 Plant

Step 7: 🌍 Earth and 🌬️ Wind

Combine 🌍 Earth and 🌬️ Wind to create 🌫️ Dust

Step 8: πŸ”οΈ Mountain and 🌊 Lake

Combine πŸ”οΈ Mountain and 🌊 Lake to create 🏞️ Fjord

Step 9: πŸ”οΈ Mountain and πŸ”οΈ Mountain

Combine πŸ”οΈ Mountain and πŸ”οΈ Mountain to create πŸ”οΈ Mountain Range

Step 10: 🌬️ Wind and πŸ”₯ Fire

Combine 🌬️ Wind and πŸ”₯ Fire to create πŸ’¨ Smoke

Step 11: πŸ’© Mud and 🌊 Seaweed

Combine πŸ’© Mud and 🌊 Seaweed to create 🌿 Mudweed

Step 12: 🌫️ Dust and 🌱 Plant

Combine 🌫️ Dust and 🌱 Plant to create 🌱 Pollen

Step 13: πŸ”οΈ Mountain Range and 🏞️ Fjord

Combine πŸ”οΈ Mountain Range and 🏞️ Fjord to create πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄ Norway

Step 14: 🌿 Mudweed and πŸ’¨ Smoke

Combine 🌿 Mudweed and πŸ’¨ Smoke to create 🚬 Cigar

Step 15: πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄ Norway and 🌱 Pollen

Combine πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄ Norway and 🌱 Pollen to create 🍁 Norway Maple

Step 16: 🍁 Norway Maple and 🚬 Cigar

Combine 🍁 Norway Maple and 🚬 Cigar to create 🌳🚬 Cigar Tree

That's it. 16 simple steps to create 🌳🚬 Cigar Tree in Infinite Craft. Enjoy crafting!