How to create 🍹 Mai Tai in Infinite Craft

Welcome to the ultimate guide on creating the perfect Mai Tai in the virtual world of Infinite Craft! Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, this recipe will surely satisfy your virtual taste buds and impress your in-game friends. Follow along step by step and unleash your creativity with this refreshing cocktail recipe!

In Infinite Craft, players harness the power of four base elements - Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth - to manipulate and create their own unique items and recipes. Each element has its own strengths and properties that players can combine and experiment with to craft endless possibilities. So gather your materials and let your imagination run wild in this limitless sandbox world!

Step 1: πŸ’§ Water and πŸ’§ Water

Combine πŸ’§ Water and πŸ’§ Water to create 🌊 Lake

Step 2: πŸ’§ Water and 🌬️ Wind

Next, combine πŸ’§ Water and 🌬️ Wind to create 🌊 Wave

Step 3: 🌬️ Wind and 🌬️ Wind

Then, combine 🌬️ Wind and 🌬️ Wind to create πŸŒͺ️ Tornado

Step 4: πŸ”₯ Fire and πŸ”₯ Fire

Now, combine πŸ”₯ Fire and πŸ”₯ Fire to create πŸŒ‹ Volcano

Step 5: 🌍 Earth and 🌬️ Wind

And then, combine 🌍 Earth and 🌬️ Wind to create 🌫️ Dust

Step 6: 🌊 Wave and 🌊 Lake

As next step, combine 🌊 Wave and 🌊 Lake to create 🌊 Tsunami

Step 7: 🌫️ Dust and πŸ’§ Water

Combine 🌫️ Dust and πŸ’§ Water to create πŸ’© Mud

Step 8: πŸŒͺ️ Tornado and πŸŒͺ️ Tornado

Combine πŸŒͺ️ Tornado and πŸŒͺ️ Tornado to create πŸŒ€ Hurricane

Step 9: πŸ’§ Water and 🌍 Earth

Combine πŸ’§ Water and 🌍 Earth to create 🌱 Plant

Step 10: 🌱 Plant and πŸ’§ Water

Combine 🌱 Plant and πŸ’§ Water to create 🐊 Swamp

Step 11: πŸŒ‹ Volcano and 🌫️ Dust

Combine πŸŒ‹ Volcano and 🌫️ Dust to create πŸŒ‹ Ash

Step 12: 🌫️ Dust and 🌱 Plant

Combine 🌫️ Dust and 🌱 Plant to create 🌱 Pollen

Step 13: πŸ’© Mud and 🌊 Tsunami

Combine πŸ’© Mud and 🌊 Tsunami to create πŸŒ‹ Mudslide

Step 14: πŸŒ€ Hurricane and 🌱 Plant

Combine πŸŒ€ Hurricane and 🌱 Plant to create 🌴 Palm Tree

Step 15: 🐊 Swamp and 🌱 Plant

Combine 🐊 Swamp and 🌱 Plant to create πŸͺ² Venus Flytrap

Step 16: 🌱 Pollen and πŸŒ‹ Ash

Combine 🌱 Pollen and πŸŒ‹ Ash to create 🀧 Cough

Step 17: 🌴 Palm Tree and πŸŒ‹ Mudslide

Combine 🌴 Palm Tree and πŸŒ‹ Mudslide to create 🍹 Tiki Bar

Step 18: 🀧 Cough and πŸͺ² Venus Flytrap

Combine 🀧 Cough and πŸͺ² Venus Flytrap to create πŸ’§ Coughdrop

Step 19: πŸ’§ Coughdrop and 🍹 Tiki Bar

Combine πŸ’§ Coughdrop and 🍹 Tiki Bar to create 🍹 Mai Tai

That's it. 19 simple steps to create 🍹 Mai Tai in Infinite Craft. Enjoy crafting!